
Saturday 16 June 2012

Goodbye Blighty, Hello Maximum City!

Well this is it. I've finished my accounting job and waved adieu to my (ex) colleagues, the boxes have been packed and put in storage and our lovely house-sitters have moved in.  I've said goodbye to the cats (many tears) and I've put the key in the lock of our little London house for the last time. I can't say when we will be back for sure.

I've spent the last two weeks frantically trying to get the house ready for handover as well as trying to pack in as many 'goodbye' visits to friends and family as possible.  It's been quite a roller coaster. 

And all of a sudden, I have had the realisation that this is not just going to be a fleeting visit or a holiday.  This is IT, I am moving to Mumbai!!

Before signing off I would like to introduce Bobby the Jubilee Bear.  I was given him recently and promised that I would take him everywhere on my new adventures.  Expect to see him around quite a lot.  The first pictures are of him are just before we left the house and at the BA lounge at Heathrow Terminal 5.  This guy is going to be a well travelled buddy!

Packing Box Hell
Bobby sits on the stairs for one last time
Bobby relaxes in the BA Lounge at Heathrow

1 comment:

  1. Bye bye Bobby, but I hope to see you soon!
    Please can we have more pics of Bobby? Txx



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