
Wednesday 2 May 2012

So here I am in Mumbai visiting my husband with one month to go before I give up my job and my home and my cats in London to join him permanently.  This is also the very first time I have blogged so please forgive me for the amateurishness and please stick with it whilst I set up my page and upload photos. I will be writing more continuously from around the second week of June 2012 when I get here permanently.

In an attempt to 'slide' gently into Mumbai life, I have spent the best part of this week trying to sort out the company apartment to suit our tastes. Lots of my favourite subject involved (I have a PhD in 'shopping'). More on my mini-refurnishing project at a later date.

I also met with the lovely ladies of expat group Mumbai Connexions this morning.  So nice to meet some people in the same boat.  Plenty of career minded, independent women who have followed their husbands out here as well as ladies with jobs here or working for those working for NGOs. Also, I was suprised to meet a fair few ladies who have married of which has lived here for 57 years! Wowsers! I am going to get to know her better, I bet she has some really interesting stories to tell and she must have seen so many changes over the last few decades in this hectic city.

I was invited out for lunch afterwards at a great place in Pali Hill (Out of the Blue) for an 'all you can eat buffet' for about 350 rupees (£5, yes FIVE POUNDS!)  Except we didn't realise it was an all you can eat buffet plus main course to order - we were slightly stuffed by the time they came to take our order for the second part!  Still, we managed to pack in more food plus a dessert of course.  Thank you to my new friends for showing me a good time.  I will be back!

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