
Friday 25 April 2014

You Photographing Me Photographing You

I always stop off at the Gateway of India if I am down south in Colaba.  Because I love to see the tourists - mostly Indian - that flock to the site for a glimpse of history and a view of the sea.  I also love the way that they gather in huge groups to have their photographs taken by a member of their family.  I usually nip in at the side to steal a picture - which usually distracts them and causes their eyes turn in my direction.  Ooops sorry about that!

What happens when I steal the pose - eyes going in two different directions!
At the Gateway of India you will also find the 'professional' photographer who will avail himself of portrait services for those visitors who do not own a camera.  In fact you will find many of these photographers.  These men carry DSLR cameras (and probably don't have a clue how to use them) and portable printers tucked in a bag so that the snaps can be developed 'instantly' (whatever happened to the Polaroid camera?)  Not only does this service give visitors a nice souvenir to take away with them (I do not know at what cost) but it also means that the whole family/couple/group will be complete in the picture.

The Gateway of India - Mumbai's 'most valued structure' (and where the British were seen off!)
And the point of this blog? On my last visit, I decided to turn my camera on the camera-men. At first, I tried to be surreptitious but it wasn't long before I was spotted - the reaction to this being lots of waves, V signs and posing for my camera by the guys!  I was almost chased! Here are the pics:

This couple wait as their picture comes out of the portable printer.

Another photographer sets up his equipment to print.

I look on as this guy approves his photo (close-up below)

I almost distract these children as they line up for a group shot.

Effectively hawkers, these photographers harass every tourist that passes by.

Some of them hang around shyly waiting to be asked....

And....I'm spotted!

....and again!

This fella looks at me in a bemused way...perhaps he thinks I'm competition?

More photographers join the group and stare at me

...but it doesn't take long before they're laughing, posing and being silly.  Funny!

This guy was so happy because he had the same camera as me - Nikon D7000

As more of the photographers come towards me, I start to run in the other direction.  BYE!

Just love the colour

Inscription at the top of the Gateway.


  1. Hey!
    I really like your style
    You bring out the beauty of the city in a very candid and humorous way :D

    1. Thank you so much for saying so Bombay Dreamer!

  2. Thanks for sharing! This is so funny and human!

  3. What makes you say that they probably don't know how to use their DSLR cameras?

  4. Very clever post! Ha ha ha, you must have caught these guys off-guard! ;)



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