
Sunday 5 January 2014

Photoessay: Groups No. 6

Happy Sunday Peeps!

Well I haven't posted anything from my groups series for a while - not since July 2013 in fact.  (see Groups No.5 here) My quest to photograph groups of people has been pretty slow over the last six months, or perhaps I have been missing opportunities due to focussing on other projects (such as my new 'Ubiquitous India' series).

For any new readers, my mission is simple - get groups of people to pose for the camera.  Even better if they are in uniform or at least have a common theme - and really superb if they happen to be a group of five (my magic number for a really good group shot).  Theses photos seem to document Indian life in a unique way whilst portraying to the world what a friendly nation I now reside in.  Cool eh?

Anyway, here are my recent efforts:

Three bakers from the back of Yazdani Parsi bakery in Fort

Hmmm...these uniforms could do with a wash!
Waiters at Punjabi Moti Halwal in Fort (great lassi place)

One of my favourite places to capture uniformed workers - at the petrol pump!
Too bad there is a smudge on my lens

We stopped at for a Macdonalds on the way to Goa - these kids were playing 'Truth or Dare' and dared each other to come over to our table and ask us where we were from (yeah, really daring!)....I asked for their photo in turn.

Outside the same Macdonalds - a group of students on their way back to school after a healthy lunch

Dapper lads in almost identical outfits - Old Goa

From the Dahi Handi festival - a group of supporters for one of the human pyramid teams.
Smiling was a challenge....

A jubilant (and rather over excited) Dahi Handi pyramid team

Another jubilant human pyramid team - this time all female and very pleased to pose for the camera

No reason why I can't take my project outside of India! I found this group of cyclists
at the top of a Gorge in Provence this summer

At Tadoba Tiger Reserve - guards waiting to accompany jeeps in to the park
...couldn't quite get them to stand in line.

An adorable family from a rural village in Tadoba, Maharashtra. Mum, daughter, grandson, grandma, aunties.

Waiting for a bus - rural village in Tadoba

Lovely ladies at Banganga Tank last week

Does this count? A group of cormorants on Lake Ashtamudi, Kerala.

Semi-uniformed porters at the fishing port, Kollam (Kerala)

Fishermen - as above

Jolly fishwives, Kollam fishing port
See also:

Groups No.1
Groups No.2
Groups No.3
Groups No.4

Groups No. 5

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