
Sunday 28 July 2013

Coming up: The Mumbai Expat Series

Well I have just returned from a trip to London to an inbox full of emails asking me for info about expat life in Mumbai (for which I thank you!)  This has got me thinking that I should write some specific posts giving general advice to others thinking of (or being forced into) making the move to Maximum City. 

It's always lovely to hear from readers and although I have only been in Mumbai for just over a year - I still try to impart as much knowledge as I can. Sometimes I am contacted by women who are following their partners out here as a 'trailing spouse' (a term I despise!) but I also hear from women who are coming here to work, volunteer or travel. They ask my advice on how to cope with the transition, how to find new friends, how to get volunteer work or they may ask me more specific advice about expat life in Mumbai.  Perhaps about drinking-water, medicines and monsoon clothing.  

A lot of potential expats do worry about coming to India - after all, we all have preconceptions about the country - concerning the pollution, the poverty and the food.  We all worry about how to make friends or how to spend our time in the absence of a work visa. This is very understandable and hopefully I can help to allay some of those fears.

So now that I have some solid experience of living in this country - I will, over several posts, jot down a bit of advice for anyone who is about to make the transition.  Such subject matter will include 'Coping as a Trailing Spouse'; to 'Having a Baby in Mumbai' (which will refer to my fellow blogger 'Mumbai Mum' - a great resource for mums and mums to be); and 'How to be a Volunteer'. I will also be writing a guide to Bandra where I reside and which is a favourite expat hotspot.  Hopefully, anyone who is a regular reader of this blog will already have a good idea of places to shop - but I am sure I will cover that topic more as well!  

There are some things I have little knowledge about - such as where to school a child or which hospital to go to in the event of a medical emergency - which I will not be covering.  For this information, please refer to your relocation agent!  My advice will be more about how to have a fulfilling and interesting experience during your time in India.  And of course it will be from my point of view!

So please stay tuned over the next few weeks for posts in The Mumbai Expat Series.

Thanks for stopping by!

Are you going from this ......

To this?.....
Then keep reading over the next few weeks for tips on how to cope!


  1. Your future posts sound interesting and I look forward to reading them even though I am not a "trailing spouse" and don't have plans to move to India. I enjoy reading your posts about India.



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