
Wednesday 6 March 2013

The Simple Life of an English(wo)man

I've been at it again...neglecting you!

I did have a good excuse though - going back home to the UK for a wonderful Scottish wedding, a stay at the in-laws and a one day jaunt around London after our inbound flight.

The week reminded me just how uncomplicated and peaceful things are in the UK by comparison to frenetic Bombay.  Mr Jules and I had a really fine time in London.  In his words: "Upon my return from the Colonies, it was wonderful to take in the sights and sounds of Old Blighty - to visit my tailor on Saville Row; to have my moustache trimmed at Trumpers and partake of Eggs Benedict with my wife at The Wolseley....simply delightful!"  (No, he didn't say this really).

But it was glorious to walk up London's Regent Street early on a crisp Monday morning, without hardly another person in sight, without the constant honking of horns and not a bead of sweat on my brow.  To cuddle up inside my coat with a warm scarf, my fingers numbing with cold.  How wonderful it was to eat salad without the fear of hepatitis (!), and to have the aforementioned Eggs Benedict without sauce slopped all over the plate.  And not to have that plate whipped away from under my nose before I had barely put my knife and fork down.  Even more delightful was it to share afternoon tea with the in-laws at the famous Betty's tearooms in Northallerton - sipping Earl Grey tea with COLD milk and munching on a feather light raspberry pavlova with REAL fresh cream.  Mmmmm.

Betty's feather light raspberry pavlova

I could go on and I will; How marvellous to be able to enter such an impressive array of shops without being hunted down by several shop assistants and without pressure to buy anything.  Here I can just browse in peace.  To be able to abandon our car and driver for the swift efficiency of an East Coast train and still get a seat all to myself.  How heart warming it was to catch the amazing views of Yorkshire countryside and stunning Scottish coastline en-route to Edinburgh.  And to wander around historic tourist sites without homeless urchins tugging at our sleeves for a handout or tour-guides trying to force their services on us.  Aaaah the homeland!

The week was perfectly rounded off at the wedding of my dear friends Mr & Mrs Kent.  The most perfectly elegant occasion within the perfect backdrop of The George Hotel in Edinburgh.  Congratulations again my lovelies!

Here are some reminders of space, calm and tranquility.....(but I am still glad to be back in Bombay!)

Burlington Arcade off Piccadilly - fabulous London shopping

Fortnum's - dead posh

Beautiful London architecture of Regent Street

A line of our famous red buses (with spare seats!)

The newly completed addition to King's Cross station which I hadn't seen before - architectural innovation at its best

Yorkshire countryside and a bit of sun!
But even in North Yorkshire - you will find the ubiquitous Indian entrepreneur!

Only in Yorkshire...mesmerising reading I am sure!

The inside of Betty's in Northallerton - the most luscious array of cakes, biscuits, teas and preserves for sale.  How I miss that stuff!

A glimpse of Scottish coastline as we roll by on the train

Decent products in our Edinburgh hotel room!

A proper gentleman's outfitter in Edinburgh

Welcoming committee at the wedding!

My beautiful newlywed friends

A great photo opportunity when the fire alarm went off during the reception!

Thanks for catching up - I will be back to updating my blog with Bombay-ish things soon!

1 comment:

  1. On the flip side, when you get back to Bombay it would be interesting to read about what you missed about India ...



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