
Wednesday 9 January 2013

Welcome to Mumbai Mrs C! (A Day of Firsts)

Today was a great day for me.  I got to meet a reader of my blog and fellow expat wife!  The lovely Mrs C from Wiltshire in the UK who arrived here with her family and 17 suitcases just before Christmas.
Mumbai welcomes you and your family Mrs C!
Mrs C had initially contacted me when she found out she was going to be relocated to Mumbai through her husband's work.  She had been following BombayJules for a while and felt that I would be able to give her some guidance about life in Mumbai.  I was so flattered that she asked me and I was more than happy to help!  And luckily, through one of my own contacts, I was able to put her in touch with the mother of a child at a school where her children would be attending.  Bringing young children to a place like Mumbai must be a very daunting prospect but I understand they have already settled in well after their first day at school last Monday.
After three months since our initial contact and many emails in between it was just great to finally meet today. What was even better, as we were walking along to a coffee shop in Powai, another friend (and NGO colleague) saw me out of her car window and stopped the car to leap out and say hello. Mrs C and I ended up back at Mrs PJ's house where we had a freshly brewed cup of coffee whilst helping to make a batch of nutrition bars for our NGO community. There were some other lovely ladies there whom new Mrs C was able to hook up with, including a fellow blogger who I'd heard of but never met! 

Mrs C and Mrs PJ getting busy in the kitchen
Due to the rental of a flat falling through at the last minute before Christmas (a typical occurrence in Mumbai), Mrs C and her family had been living out their 17 suitcases in a hotel suite ever since.  Despite admittedly enjoying the hotel breakfasts, they are grateful to be finally moving into another newly agreed apartment at the weekend - so we wish her the best of luck with that.  Oh and Mrs C, if you need help shopping for crockery and towels and bedlinen...well you know where to come!
For my final 'First'...BombayJules has joined Facebook!  Please like my page here (or by following the link on the sidebar). I will post links to my blog and make comments there from now on. 

Will be blogging again soon!


  1. How good you were there to welcome Mrs. C and show her around. It must be daunting to bring children to a new country and get them settled in schools and making new friends, so that was nice you were there to help.

  2. Good Blog, Seems like you are an antique lover. There is a good place in Chennai called as VTI Victoria Technicial Institute. They deal with luxuru wood furniture including teak, rosewood & sandal wood.

    Just wondering if you have visited the golden temple of my country. One in Amrister and the other one in Vellore.
    Very sorry to say, some temples might restrict Christians . tc

    1. Hello there - yes certainly I am an antique lover but also a lover of beautiful Indian handicrafts. I wish I'd known about that place when I visited Chennai - sounds like a good recommendation.

      No I haven't yet been to Amritsar although it's on our list of places to visit this year...can't wait to blog about that one!



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