
Wednesday 15 August 2012

Happy Independence Day India!

Indian Independence Day commemorates independence from British Rule and its re-birth as a sovereign nation on 15th August 1947 (66 years ago). 

Thinking that today would be a huge day of celebrations and flag waving, we went out on to the streets of Bandra (it is a national holiday today) to find everything as normal, the shops open and people going about their business as usual.  How very British, all that's missing is bank holiday shopping for a sofa at DFS and picnicking in the rain by the side of the road (we can show you guys how to celebrate!).

Quite disappointed - the Indians usually never miss a reason to party - we went for lunch around the corner at Indigo Deli intead.

I am not going to write anything more than that.  I should be outside in a dense crowd waving my arms in the air and trying not to look too British.  Happy Independence Day India.

Indigo Deli Bandra - a very nice Smoked Salmon and Lobster Salad

Mr Jules's 'so-so' Indigo Deli Rueben Sandwich

A surreptitious photo taken inside Indigo Deli. It's nicer than this looks, honest.

There are western style jams and marmalades available to buy at Indigo Deli - this is black grape jam.

OK, I will say one last thing...about this bin. To me this bin signifies something funny about Independence Day. We bought it in Pali Market after lunch and Mr Jules carried it back to the apartment. He got stared at for doing this. Why are we carry that bin ourselves, why do we not have a servant to do it?   Why are we not having it delivered? Why as a white man, are you carrying that object associated with muck and filth? Well my Indian friends, this is what British Man does. He does things for himself! (and also walks behind his wife down the street).


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. So do most of the Indians! :)
    The metros do not represent all the Indian population.

    1. view has changed a bit since I have been here...yes a lot of modern Indian men are very good at helping womankind...but there is still a long way to go in the country!



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